Zsuzsanna Horvath

Zsuzsanna Horvath

Zsuzsanna has been working with combining kinetic art, optical art and laser cutting with product design since 2016. Her work is based on turning sheet materials into sculptural three dimensional kinetic spatial creations.

She aim to change the way laser cutting as a design tool is perceived by moving away from flat and hobby- like projects to the direction of something more aesthetic and long- lasting.
Some of the types of products she makes are furniture, lamps, decorative objects, accessories and jewelry.

“I work on my new design prototypes that I aim to sell to producers and I also run a webshop called Strips & Stripes for home décor items and jewelry.
I make both protos and my own products when working at Viadukten, mostly by occupying the laser cutter (for products and tests) and metal workshop. It is what I do for a living and what I love to do.”

“Sustainability is an issue close to my heart, something that I always try to keep in mind during the design process. It plays an important role one way or another, may it be flat pack, or sustainable materials, or using most of the leftover material for some purpose.”

“Maker and Viadukten has been helpful to my work by providing not only a workspace and machines, but a great community of enthusiastic people, who I can rely on for opinion, advice, help and collaboration. I got help from many people for my projects, including advice and help on 3D printing, metal work, coatings, etc. and good company for lunch, great discussions at community breakfast, knowledge about other people’s work in other fields as well as my own.”


“My whole experimentation into sheet materials comes from an interest to turn 2D sheets into 3D objects, meaning they are all flat pack and easy to ship.”

If you were to recommend Maker, what would your recommendation be?

“I would recommend it to likeminded creative people who are ready to test their ideas in real life and be part of a community where people like to learn new things and help each other.”

You can read more about Zsuzsannas work on her website

Dilara Özlü